Category Archives: Community

Johnsonville Rotary is pleased to confirm our 2024 Toot 4 Tucker Collections will be on Tuesday 12th November and Tuesday 19th November in Johnsonville and Churton Park respectively. The collections run from 6:15pm until approximtaely 7:30pm. As usual we will be joined with the Johnsonville Volunteer Fire Service walking the streets and collecting non perishable […]

Community, Events 0

Johnsonville has a new Community Library set up by Johnsonville Rotary and Johnsonville Shopping Centre. On Tuesday 26th September Centre Manager, Kirsty Macgregor and Johnsonville Rotary President, Athula Wanasinghe welcomed Wellington City Councillors Tony Randall and John Apanowicz as they cut the ribbon to open the new community library located inside the Johnsonville Mall. It’s […]

Community 0

Johnsonville Rotary linked up with the Institute of Engineering and technology (IET) to run a successful Robots workshop at Newlands Intermediate School in September. The workshop is called Project X and it is a STEM activity created by the IET to enable up to 20 children to individually build and program their own robot in […]

Community, Events 0

On 24th July the club welcomed Sia Goel a student from Newlands College, who the club sponsored on the 2023 Innovative Young Minds Program. Innovative Young Minds (IYM) is a program run throughout the Greater Wellington area by Rotary clubs that enables young women to experience what a career in technology might be like with […]

Community, Meetings 0

On Sunday 6th August club members from Johnsonville joined members of Tawa Rotary to visit Life Flight’s base at Wellington Airport. Johnsonville Rotary along with other Rotary clubs in District 9940 in raising funds to equip Life Flight’s new aircraft so they can safely transport very small children in incubators and their families in emergency […]

Community, Events, Meetings 0

At our club meeting on 8th May, we welcomed Bayley Puha-Harris, a student from Newlands College, who gave an interesting presentation on his experience and what he learned at the recent RYPEN (Rotary Youth Programme of Enrichment) event held in March at Kokako Lodge in Hunua, near Auckland. Bayley was sponsored by Johnsonville Rotary. Bayley […]

Community, Meetings 0

On 24th April our guest speaker was Senior Constable Lew Diamond who talked about his career and his work serving the local community in Johnsonville with an interesting presentation “My background and policing in the Johnsonville area” He explained how policing has changed over the years and how Johnsonville compares to other areas he has […]

Community, Meetings 0

Johnsonville Rotary is pleased to confirm the Winter Craft Market will return on Sarturday 3rd June at Churton Park Community Centre. We expect to have a range of stalls selling Craft items such as jewellry, cards, etc as well as food.

Community, Events 0

The weather for Sunday is looking OK so the event is going ahead. Look forward to seeing you all there! So, come and join us on the 12th March 2023 from 11:00am until 2:00 pm at Rewaw Rewa School (18 Padnell Crescent, in Newlands).

Community, Events 0

Johnsonville Rotary would like to thank the residents of Johnsonville and Churton Park for their support for the Toot 4 Tucker food collection in November. Toot 4 Tucker collects food for Kiwi Community Assist (KCA) foodbanks. The club would also like to thank the Fire crews from Johnsonville Volunteer Fire Brigade for walking the streets […]

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