
Laurie Boytard

Our guest speaker on 13 March was Laurie Boytard (see photos). She is the French Rotary Exchange student being hosted by Plimmerton Rotary.

Laurie comes from Somme (WW1 made it well known for the ANZACs and all NZers). She has always been interested in ANZAC day, and the events in her area of France, a hundred year’s ago. There are memorials to the Australians and New Zealanders not far from her home town. The red poppies grow everywhere in the region. She has attended an ANZAC day ceremony in France with her stepsister. Laurie was keen to visit Australia or New Zealand, and was delighted to be chosen to come as a Rotary Exchange student. She finds NZ a beautiful country and is enjoying getting to know more about New Zealand, and its people, culture, food and history. She is studying English and international commerce at Aotea College. She is sure her time in New Zealand is better preparing her for life and widening her horizons. She already feels more confident and mature. Rotary has provided her with a wonderful opportunity.



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