Wellington North Primary Schools Citizenship Awards
Johnsonville Rotary was pleased to host the recent Wellington Northe Primary Schools Awards.
Winners and their familiies, teachers and principles from their schools attended the awards presentation at Johnsonville Community Centre.
Nine schools from across Johnsonville, Churton Park and Newlands participated in the awards that celebrate the success and efforts of students for being amazing citizens and contributing to the life of their school.
Wellington Mayor, Tory Whanau presented the awards to the winners from each school in the ceremony. As parents looked on, teachers and school Principals read out a citation why their winner had been selected. Tory Whanau said she was “stoked” by the achievements of all the winners. “These are our future leaders,” she said.
To recognise their achievement, each student received a trophy, certificate and a photo, as well as a book token provided by the Newlands Paparangi Progressive Association. Every school has a shield on which all the winner’s names are engraved.
Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau, MP Greg O’Connor, and Year 13 head student Paige Puketapu from Newlands College all spoke about what it means to be a good citizen and role model.
In 2022 Rotary Club of Johnsonville picked up sponsorship and organisation of the Awards. The awards were started in 2015 by Malcolm Sparrow when he was on Wellington City Council. Malcolm was also a guest-of honour at this year’s awards
Johnsonville Rotary Club would like to congratulate every winner and thank all the schools, teachers, and principals for participating in the awards.