
Supporting Life Flight

On Sunday 6th August club members from Johnsonville joined members of Tawa Rotary to visit Life Flight’s base at Wellington Airport.

Johnsonville Rotary along with other Rotary clubs in District 9940 in raising funds to equip Life Flight’s new aircraft so they can safely transport very small children in incubators and their families in emergency situations. Club members visiting Life Flight saw at first hand the new aircraft Life Flight has acquired. Sebastian Grodd; Life Flight’s Head of Fundraising, Marketing & Communications explained how the new aircraft will enable Life Flight to extend their reach to many more people in more remote areas as they can land in much smaller airfields.

On Monday 14th August the club was pleased to welcome Sebastian back as guest speaker at the club meeting. He explained the current fundraising program for Life Flight and how Rotary can support them and also provided members of the club that were unable to visit the base, an overview Life Flight’s history and work.



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