
Vince Adams-Schneider’s Paul Harris Fellow Sapphire Pin

On 10 July 2017, at the Johnsonville Rotary meeting, Past District Governor Graeme Blick presented Vince Adams-Schneider with a Paul Harris Fellow Sapphire Pin, awarded by Rotary District 9940, and made the following citation:

“This award recognises a life of dedicated service for Rotary. Vincent joined the Rotary Club of Johnsonville in 1994, having previously been with Masterton South Rotary. Vincent was President of Johnsonville for 1997-98, 2008-09 and 2016-17, and was installed as a Paul Harris Fellow in 2004.

In 2007 he was appointed to the District Governor’s Special Task Force to work on reducing family violence and child abuse. In the same year he joined the District Rotary Foundation Committee.

From 2008 to 2010 he was a member of the Healthy Heroes District Committee. He served as an Assistant District Governor from 2011 to 2013. Since 2013 he has been Chair of the District Rotary Foundation District Grants Sub-Committee.

Vincent is one of those people who puts ‘Service above Self’ and helps other Rotarians in our District improve the lives of people in communities both here and overseas.”



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